Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Eco Week March 2017 Plan

We are all looking forward to taking part in our Eco Week which begins on 6th March. 

Our main focus is on surveying food and packaging waste produced in the lunch hall. 
What do we do with our left over lunch?

How much food do we waste?  Why do we throw it away?

What packaging do we throw away?  Can it be recycled?

We will survey food and packaging waste over Eco Week.  The results will be shared with the whole school during our assembly.  We want to work together to reduce this waste in school... and at home. 


Each class will choose a selection of seeds to prepare and sow indoors this week. 

Hopefully these will be ready to transfer to a cooler place by the Easter Holidays.  When we come back in April the seedlings should be ready to plant in the garden.  We will choose some of our seeds to help animals and insects who may need shelter in the spring time.  This will help us support life within our school grounds.


Watch this space and our main blog for details of our Spring Clean-up.  We hope to have this organised to take place by the end of March.  We will be looking for volunteers to help, so if you can help let us know. 

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